I was fully hoping for an amazing Sunday, for an epic end to my great weekend. But did I get it? No. Today has been terrible. Granted, it's only 2:29 but I highly doubt it will get any better. I think the worst part of today was that I finally saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. I was stoked to see it, I was. But then...Dobbie died. It rocked my world. I cried, like a baby, the entire 10 minutes the credits ran. It was terrible. I honestly think I would have felt better if it had been Harry or Ron to die--but we all know they won't, especially Ron. He's a ginger, we're invincible--but no, it had to be the amazing, courageous little house elf who came to save "Harry Potter and his friends." 
          To make matters worse, when I took the trash out this morning, I found the mouse that my father said he released, dead in my trash can. I teared up a bit at that. I can't take all this death!
           So tell me, what movie makes you cry? Or book? Or maybe it's the slaughter of poor creatures that didn't do anything but steal your cheese puffs. Just leave a comment telling me why(:

TODAY I'M LISTENING TO: Breathe Carolina- Chemicals

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