So it's Saturday. And I think I, above everyone else, am happiest about it. My week has been horribly stressful. I missed two days of school for a college visit trip with my talent search crew, but let's be honest. NO ONE actually cares about missing school! However, getting back and realizing I need to skip a few classes to finish up a still life kinda hit me. I think Mr. Taylor hates me, apart from yesterday, I haven't been to my Psychology class since like, Tuesday of last week... But he'll live, all we do is watch movies anyways. But apart from that, I was supposed to take the ACT today--I got a 24 so I wasn't in too big of a need--and couldn't. No way there. I've been stressed about it all week and I ended up not even going. So today is my chill day. I'm spending my time watching scary movies, laying on my couch, and eating food. Now, THAT'S a #winning day. So tell me, how do you plan on spending your Saturday? Are you gonna lounge like me? Or did you go take that ACT? Leave a comment and let me know(:
Also, since all I do is listen to music, i'm going to tell you what/who i'm listening to at the time I write this and link it to a video or a Facebook page or something.

TODAY I'M LISTENING TO: The Narrative- Waiting Room
10/22/2011 03:38:25 am

Way to be lazy beth!


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